
BAMBU NUSA VERDE (BNV) propagates bamboo using the tissue culture protocols developed by the Belgian company OPRINS PLANT NV under a technology transfer arrangement.

OPRINS PLANT has been involved in biotechnological research and development since 1985.  Tissue culture propagation of bamboo was attempted by many scientists with only limited success in the laboratory.  In the real world, research results that showed a propagation success rate of 5% obviously meant a 95% failure rate for commercial production. The pioneering  development of tissue culture protocols for bamboo by  Oprins has made it possible to mass propagate numerous temperate and tropical bamboo species on a commercial scale.  The innovation of this research involved the in-vitro multiplication of tissues of mature bamboos, thus enabling motherplants with superior traits to be cloned.  The elite clones or "super bamboos" are "true-to-type" and possess all the remarkable qualities of the mother plant. 

The development of bamboo propagation techniques has opened new perspectives and possibilities for bamboo, which is one of the most important sources of wood in the tropics. Prospects for developing large scale plantations of bamboo is now a reality.   BNV has access to TC protocols of many priority tropical bamboo species,  including most species of the Dendrocalamus and Bambusa genera, and many other bamboos of the Gigantochloa, Guadua, and Phyllostachys genera.

Production Process

The production process for bamboos at our laboratory involves 7 stages (Stage 0 - 6) as shown in the diagram below. Most tissue culture labs stop at stage 3. At BNV we handle the production at every stage beginning with the selection of superior mother plants (elite genotypes) up to the growing of mature plants that are ready for distribution to our clients. This ensures that quality control takes place at each step of the production process and that our customers receives top quality plants.


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